Audio on the web was never thought
of without a flash or a plugin in the formative years. An excellent audio
element of HTML 5 “The Web Audio API” has brought in a great revolution without
the help of the above mentioned elements and is capable of supporting
sophisticated games and interactive applications.
Web Audio API is basically a high-level JavaScript API that processes and
integrated audio in web apps.
The two different types: In general there are two audio API’s one being the Audio data API and the other is the Web Audio API .The creation, the processing and the controlling of audio within the webapps is much simpler in Web Audio API when compared to the low-level access of the audio data by the Audio Data API.
Amazing Feature: The attractive feature if that it
does not require a helper application such as plug-in or flash. The main
purpose of this API is to include the capabilities that are found in modern
game audio engines and the excellent tasks such as mixing , processing and filtering tasks that are found
in modern desktop audio production application.
The Working:
The AudioContext instance:
This is one of the most powerful instance used for managing and playing
all the sounds. Initially an audio context has to be created which is like a
container. Inside the context one can create sources and then connect them to
the nodes and finally connected to the destination in the form a chain.
var context = new AudioContext() ;
//Audio Container created.
WebAudioAPI is a based on webkit technology and is supposed to be supported on
IOS6,’webkit’ should be appended to the audio context.
var context = new WebKitAudioContext();
Once the
audio context container is created a source node can also be created. A source
node can be an Oscillator which generates sound from scratch or audio files
such as wav, mp3 can be loaded and played back.
To create an
Oscillator = context.createOscillator();
Then the
oscillator is supposed to be connected to the destination which can be
To generate
sound instantly
Now once the audio context is created between the source and the
destination there is another interface called the audionode. They act as intermediate modules used for
There are
several audio nodes such as the-
1. Gainnode: This is used for volume
which can be created in the following way-
volumeNode = context.createGainNode();
One can set
the volume using
volumeNode.gain.value = 0.3;
Now this can
be connected to the source
2. The Biquad filter: To add
complex effects to your sound forms a biquad filter is used. It is low-order
3. The delay node: It delays the
incoming node signal.
4. The audiobuffer node: It consists of an in-memory
audio data stored in an audio buffer.
5. Panner node: It describes its position with right –hand Cartesian co-ordinates
and positions an incoming audio stream in 3D space.
6. Convolver node: Given an impulse response it applies a
linear convolution effect.
7. Dynamic Compressor Node: When
multiple sounds are played together, it helps to prevent distortion by lowering
the volume of the loudest part of the signal.
8. Wave Shaper node: Inspite of the
distortion effect, it applies a curve distorter to add a soothing feeling to
the signal. It is a non-linear distorter.
By combining the above mentioned code one can find a working demo.
Exploring the WEB AUDIO API:
The AudioPara: It is like the AudioNode. It can be set to a specific value or a
different value.
Ended: It is an event that can be called when the media has reached the end of
the play.
The media elements:
MediaElementAudioSource Node: It is an audio node consisting of
<audio> and <video> element of the HTML 5.
MediaStreamAudioSource Node: It is an audio node that acts as an
audio source consisting of webcam or microphone.
MediaStreamAudioDestination Node: It is an audio node consisting of the
audio destination node.
How to extract time and frequency?
Then check out the Analyser node.
Assume that
Source ‘S’ is connected to Destination ‘D’
var analyser = context.createAnalyser();
var freqDomain = new Float32Array(analyser.frequencyinCount);
A channel Splitter and a Merger?
A channel
splitter separated different channels of an audio source into a set of mono
outputs. It is created using a method called createChannelSplitter
A channel
merger unites the mono inputs into a single output. It is created using a
method called createChannelMerger
AudioListener: It gives the position and
orientation of a person listening to the audio.
In c# it is
created in the following way:
AudioListener listener = new AudioListener();
Script Process Node: This helps in the generation, processing
or analysing of audio used in JavaScript.
Audio Process (event): When a script process node is ready to
be processed the event is fired.
AudioProcessing Event: When the script processor node Input
Buffer is ready to be processed, the event is fired.
Offline Audio Context: It does not render the audio but
generates it as fast as it can in the buffer.
Complete: When the Offline Audio Context is terminated it is fired.
Audio Completion Event: The complete event implements the interface.